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CPISP Organises lecture on employment for student candidates

By: BBBF AdminPosted on 02/08/2015Categories: Education


The Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Programme (CPISP) organised a lecture at the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF) on “Preparing for the Job Market & Career Opportunities”, as part of the training and functions organised for the student candidates applying for next year’s scholarships.

Mr. Cameron Mirza, Head of Projects at the Ministry of Educations’s Higher Education Council (HEC), spoke about the results and outcomes of the National Skills and Employability Summit that took place in June. He affirmed that job market opportunities ares constantly changing within sectors, so job seekers have to develop their skill sets in multiple areas, especially their ability to adapt, in order to ensure a successful career path. He also advised students to take part in internships and summer training initiatives to gain work experience in preperation for entering the job market. Mr. Mirza provided all the student candidates with copies of HEC’s report entitled “Industry and Employer Graduate Skills Requirements”, which outlines job opportunities and skills required from graduates entering the Kingdom’s various sectors.

Mr. Ahmed Janahi from labour fund Tamkeen then spoke about the opportunities and various programmes offered by Tamkeen in supporting Bahraini’s and developing their skills and abilities in preperation for entering the job market and employment. Mr Janahi pointed to the importance of seeking employment in a field that suits both personality and skill sets, and to use the guidelines of desire, opportunity, and ability in looking for a job. He added that there are many different personality and career path tests and assessments available that can help determine suitable fields of study in preparation for employment.

At the end of the session, the lecturers answered questions and discussed ways of developing soft skills and what employers look for in hiring employees, as well opportunities for starting own businesses. CPISP Director Dr. Cynthia Gessling thanks the guest lecturers for taking part in the training and activities offered to the Programme’s student candidates, and for offering information and advice that will benefit their personal, academic, and professional development.

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