InTouch Integrated Chiropractic Spine Centre

INTOUCH Clinic offers its integrated services of Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Functional Exercise Rehabilitation and Medical Massage, Posture Assessment, Lymphedema Therapy, Work Hardening Programs and Ergonomic Assessments to patients at its new and expansive medical offices located in Janabiyah. Founder and Clinical Director, Dr. Amy Bowzaylo, along with a team of licensed Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists and Rehabilitation Specialists is offering Bahrain its first truly comprehensive pain management and recovery centre dedicated to helping patients overcome debilitating injuries, chronic pain, and a myriad of other conditions which effect daily living.
Dr. Bowzaylo, a Canadian native, who has worked in hospitals around the world, most recently acted as Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Triple accredited (JCI, ACI, ACHSI) Saad Specialist Hospital in Saudi Arabia for 7 years before deciding to venture forward with her own practice in Bahrain. For the past three years Dr. Bowzaylo has served as communications officer of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Chiropractic Federation (which includes the Gulf Cooperation Council, Turkey, Cyprus, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Iran, and Palestine). She has also been a guest speaker for the World Federation of Chiropractic in Greece and the First Healthcare Gulf Summit in Bahrain.
The INTOUCH team has already been very active in events throughout Bahrain ranging from assessing and treating athletes on the Bahrain Rugby and Football Club squads to coordinating with medical staff for the 2015 Formula 1 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix, Olympic Distance Triathlon, Challenge Bahrain Triathlon, and Ironman. They are also the Medical team for the Calisthenics World Cup taking place this year in Bahrain.