ASMA Capital is an asset management firm licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain and is the manager of the IDB Infrastructure Fund II (“IDB Fund II”).
Key sovereign institutions are both shareholders of ASMA Capital and also investors in the Fund:
Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Public Investment Fund (PIF), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Ministry of Finance and National Economy, Kingdom of Bahrain |
Ministry of Finance and Economy, Brunei Darussalam |
The Management Team is able to leverage off its strong network and strategic relationships with leading business groups and governments.
The IDB Fund II is an infrastructure platform with an emerging markets focus across the Middle East, Asia, CIS and Africa.
The IDB Fund II seeks to invest in Power & Energy, Transportation & Logistics, Telecom Infrastructure, Water & Waste and Social Infrastructure (Education and Healthcare).
The IDB Fund II has US$750million of committed capital from investors.